I noticed a pattern. In the past couple of years, Howard and I would go on vacation around August or September. Then around the end of September or the beginning of October, I would fall terribly ill.
Knowing this, I attempted to start working out and being healthy. I needed to build my immune system for whatever germs October threw at me. I started jogging. I joined a gym (but have yet to go - I was hoping to this week). I went to New York City and bought athletic wear. Seriously! Work-out clothes in New York. Didn't pick up the latest fashion, but I got some pretty comfortable dry-fit outfits.
So you must know how disappointed I am now. It started yesterday, an uncomfortable feeling in my throat. Today, coughs and a runny nose. No!! How can this happen? Well, my guesses are:
- During my commute, the bus and subway offers no fresh air.
- Also during my commute, I am crammed with other people coughing and blowing their nose.
- My workplace is still blasting the air conditioning.
- Germs get stronger each year.
These are all valid points which I presented to my family when they sighed and said, "you're sick, again?" Well, let them shake their head and roll their eyes. I can only get better from this point on.
I wanted to share some of our trip photos before blogging about all the wonderful food and desserts we had. I would have done this earlier, but getting back to regular life took over, and now, as you know. I'm sick.